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Holistic psychological pain management

**Acute and Chronic Pain**

In modern psychological pain therapy, we follow the biopsychosocial model, which suggests that pain arises and is exacerbated by the dynamic interaction of psychological and physical stressors.

Effective pain medications are known not only to provide physical relief but also, for various reasons, to offer psychological relief. Conversely, psychotropic drugs can reduce physical suffering by providing primarily psychological-emotional relief.

Based on my experience with chronic pain patients, a purely medication-focused approach can become increasingly ineffective in the long term and create new problems. Considering the current opioid crisis, it is all the more important to explore alternative, side-effect-free paths to pain relief. This approach can avoid the risks associated with the long-term use of many pain medications, such as damage to the kidneys, liver, and stomach, and prevent the development of dependency.

Relaxation techniques and meditative practices can be used in pain management to support medication therapy or as a standalone tool and may be far more effective than generally assumed.

**Pain Management**

I offer guidance on managing stress and other psychological burdens. Additionally, I introduce you to special, highly effective relaxation techniques that can help you alleviate and potentially neutralize physical and psychological-emotional pain.*

Through meditation, you can improve blood circulation, free yourself from negative emotions, effectively reduce stress, strengthen your immune system, regulate the cardiovascular system, prevent illnesses, and accelerate healing processes.

Especially for chronic pain, meditative immersion can become a sanctuary where pain recedes, allowing the mind and body to find rest.

By focusing, you can change your perception of pain and how you cope with it, enhance your well-being, and reduce fears that often accompany chronic pain situations by increasing your sense of self-efficacy.

*No prior knowledge is generally required.

**Back Pain**

Psychological stress often affects not just the stomach but also the back.

As part of my psychological counseling, I introduce you to an astonishingly effective method from the internal martial arts, which can often immediately relieve pressure and pain in the spine (especially the lumbar spine). With regular application of this method, you can gently and painlessly train your support and holding structures, develop structural strength and full-body power, while simultaneously experiencing deep relaxation.

Through significantly improved body awareness, you gain deep insights into pain-relevant physical connections, which can, for example, enable you to provide more precise feedback to your treating physician, and achieve a new balance, both physically and mentally.

**Take Control!**

Pagoda Hangzhou Autumn

Danke für Ihre Nachricht!

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