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(Exclusive Coaching)

Truly Letting Go Is the Highest Form of Control

A shift in perspective through new experiences is a powerful tool for development. By gaining new perspectives, we are able to transition from a passive, powerless role to an active, empowered role, and experience our own effectiveness.

Discover the path to a fantastic new sense of body awareness and the unfolding of inner strength.

Releasing psychological and physical tension is the beginning of a fascinating journey into the depths of the self.

The Experience-Centered Jin Therapy

Jin Therapy is an exceptional therapeutic training concept I have developed, based on the secrets of ancient Asian teachings and Western knowledge about the connections between body and mind.

In Jin Therapy, I share with you the knowledge I have acquired over decades about the closely guarded body-mind techniques of Chinese grandmasters, as well as the results of my own research.

Jin Therapy incorporates psychological concepts such as embodiment and flow states.

The effects of concentration and certain physical states are made directly tangible in many fascinating partner exercises.

Jin Therapy delves deeply into functional, optimal postures and movement patterns that relieve the spine and joints, significantly reduce pain (especially back pain), train the body, mind, and nervous system, and eliminate stress.

You will learn the most effective breathing techniques, visualizations, body postures, and methods of consciousness control to unify body and mind, and to enhance and transmit physical energy or spiritual energy.

In cooperative partner exercises, you will learn with astonishing ease how to generate a special form of strength and control, which often becomes incomprehensible to those who do not possess this knowledge.

This occurs in a friendly, peaceful, respectful, and safe training environment.


The Results:

My clients consistently express their enthusiasm about experiences and positive changes on the physical, psychological, and energetic levels that they previously thought impossible.

Experiencing and releasing inner strength (Jin) can create a radical shift in perspective regarding one's own possibilities, particularly for those dealing with depression, burnout, low self-esteem, diminished perceived self-efficacy, trauma, and feelings of powerlessness.


The videos on this page demonstrate some tests and interoceptive partner exercises that apply various body-mind techniques.

These practices are low-risk and effective in both physical and pain therapy. The client is guided into self-analysis, where existing psychological-emotional and physical blockages are identified and can then be addressed.

### NOTE:

For physical illnesses, you should always consult your physician. The methods presented here can effectively support and complement conventional medical treatment in many cases, but they may not replace it.

Embark On A Journey With A Lot To Discover:

Learn and practice through body meditations from the internal martial and healing arts of China to achieve a state where body and mind are in deep harmony, revealing fascinating interconnections (psychosomatics).

The uniqueness of this special training of body and mind makes it easy to leave everyday life behind, release stress, and fully arrive in the here and now.


Theory Is All Grey:

The interconnections between body and mind are made verifiable through exercises—from the first "aha" moment to high effectiveness.

### Costs/Fees:

EUR 120 / session (1 hour)  
Plus travel costs for home visits.


What Prerequisites Should I Have?

You should be open to new experiences and willing to view yourself and the path of the masses from a different perspective.

If you have already engaged in self-reflection, you may already possess the most important prerequisite: the willingness to look deeply within.

Prior experience with intense sports, dance, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, yoga, meditation, or creative activities is helpful.

How Many Sessions Are Required?

If you want to get a handle on your back pain and stress levels, you will need about 2-3 sessions.

In most cases, the first successes are noticeable in the first session.

A Deeper Experience:

For a deeper understanding of physical and energetic practices, you should engage in regular coaching with discussions, meditative exercises, and partner work for at least 1 year, with sessions every 1-2 weeks.

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